
Navigating the Tech Industry Meetings

I've been working as a tech freelancer for the past 25+ years now. Throughout my career, I've collaborated with teams and companies of various sizes, experiencing a wide array of work environments, systems, and processes. Some more efficient than others. This extensive exposure has given me a unique perspective on...

My Software Project is Failing: Now What?

As an entrepreneur or business leader about to invest in a software application for your business, you’re faced with a significant decision: hiring a development shop. Outsourcing a development team seems straightforward, with many development companies available globally. However, it entails placing trust in a team to execute a task...

You Live in a Bubble, it’s Time to Pop It!

You open your favourite social media app, scroll through a few posts, and without you even knowing, you’re only being served content that you agree with. It’s comforting, perhaps, but does it really serve a good purpose to you and for us as a society? We live in information bubbles....

How to lead remotely

The whole world has suddenly come to a point where working remotely must become a standard way of doing business. This means a lot of you have been dropped to an unknown territory and have to navigate as a remote professional or a leader of a remote team. While I...