
Thoughts on Flutter vs. Native App Development

During the last 10+ years that I’ve built mobile applications, there have been many different cross-platform or even “no-code” solutions to build mobile apps. React Native, Appcelerator Titanium, Adobe Cordova, Ionic, Xamarin come to mind. I have built production apps with the first two, so I have extensive experience with...

Lessons Learned from My Failed Startup

While there’s plenty of stories that go around about successes in a startup world, stories on failure are much harder to come by. This is understandable, as the good news is easier to share than to admit that we have failed. This is a story of “hINF”, short for “Health...

Overvaluing My Ideas

When it comes to the world of apps it’s quite common that people value their ideas. It is okay to cherish your idea of a perfect business venture and a technological innovation, but in reality a good idea counts for a tiny percentage in success. Especially when it comes to...