swift developer

How did I burn out and almost lost my mind

On the brink of insanity. No connection with people, extreme anxiety and panic attacks, vertigo, desperation, low self esteem and depression. That is how I felt when I went through burnout two years ago. I was in a deep hole. Until an unconventional illegal drug experience helped me turn my...

Working remotely and how to make it work

The president of my country tweeted about remote work today and as an off-site freelance iOS developer, that made me think of how does it work for me. The tweet was as follows: Work is not somewhere you go, it’s something you do. — Kersti Kaljulaid Though I do it for a...

How not to screw up app launch

Each app is different. So is it’s launch. App launch is such an important moment in app life cycle that it’s best if you go through all the checklists and notes you find from the web. I thought I’d share my insights and notes I’ve jotted down during my app...

Why Build an App?

Developing an app has become a cool thing to do for businesses. It reminds me of the days when everyone had to have a website. While everyone truly has to have a website, it’s not the case with smartphone apps. Many times a responsive website will do. It seems that any app...

Overvaluing My Ideas

When it comes to the world of apps it’s quite common that people value their ideas. It is okay to cherish your idea of a perfect business venture and a technological innovation, but in reality a good idea counts for a tiny percentage in success. Especially when it comes to...

Freelance work is not personal

Creative professionals who do commercial work are not doing art. They might be artists in real life, but when they are doing a gig they are pleasing a client. While art might consider the aestethic sense of the society, it still is mostly personal. Client work is not. I’m one...