ios developer

We Can Talk to Machines Now, What Next?

My friend, Eero, back in the early 2000s, was learning website development and lamented how cumbersome it was. He found the necessity of intricate programming languages like HTML* (sigh) for creating webpages overly complex and exclusive to programmers. He envisioned a supercomputer that understood his design intentions in human language,...

Beyond Job Loss: The Empowering Future of AI and AGI

I've been discussing the future with a few friends. Most of them feel somewhat threatened by the emergence of AI. They are concerned about their jobs*, positions in life, and their investments and savings. Many have read about the potentially negative scenarios that superintelligence could bring to humanity, including the...

My Software Project is Failing: Now What?

As an entrepreneur or business leader about to invest in a software application for your business, you’re faced with a significant decision: hiring a development shop. Outsourcing a development team seems straightforward, with many development companies available globally. However, it entails placing trust in a team to execute a task...

The future of IDEs in Programming

The landscape of programming is undergoing changes, driven by advancements in AI and machine learning. Traditional programming might not become obsolete, but the role of the software developer is certainly changing. In the near future, we expect to see the emergence of AI-powered Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) that are more...

Thoughts on Flutter vs. Native App Development

During the last 10+ years that I’ve built mobile applications, there have been many different cross-platform or even “no-code” solutions to build mobile apps. React Native, Appcelerator Titanium, Adobe Cordova, Ionic, Xamarin come to mind. I have built production apps with the first two, so I have extensive experience with...

Lessons Learned from My Failed Startup

While there’s plenty of stories that go around about successes in a startup world, stories on failure are much harder to come by. This is understandable, as the good news is easier to share than to admit that we have failed. This is a story of “hINF”, short for “Health...

Finding best CI/CD for iOS Development

For the past couple of weeks I’ve been researching, setting up and comparing Continuous Integration systems for an Xcode iOS Development project.This article is about this journey and a subjective comparison between three major CI/CD solutions; Jenkins, CircleCI and Bitrise. What is Continuous Integration (CI) There are different types of...

How to lead remotely

The whole world has suddenly come to a point where working remotely must become a standard way of doing business. This means a lot of you have been dropped to an unknown territory and have to navigate as a remote professional or a leader of a remote team. While I...

How much does mobile app development cost?

As an iOS app programmer I bump into this question from time to time. It’s understandable, as people are interested in money involved when they get the next million dollar idea in their head. Apps come in different shapes and sizes, so it’s actually a rather difficult question to answer....