Tanel Teemusk

I love to build tricky and complex UI's for your iOS apps. Give me visual challenges and I'll be a happy camper. I build apps that are easy to use. I've got experience as a developer and as UX designer. Knowing both fields helps me to see problems with unique perspective. I've also been a project owner and a project manager so I am used to spearheading a software application development project. I program iPhone/iPad (iOS) and Apple TV (tvOS) and Apple Watch apps with Swift. Over the years I have developed and launched many iOS apps to Apple App Store. Many of them were my own indie apps/games and many were projects for clients all over the world. 15+ years of programming and design experience. I have a keen eye on animation and that 'extra spark' that makes enjoyable apps stand out.

Why being a nice guy sucks?

Computer and programming industry is full of nice guys. I'm not sure if this field of work makes people really want to be nice or this type of personality is more prone to use and love computers. In either case being a nice guy seems to be a good way...

Thoughts on Flutter vs. Native App Development

During the last 10+ years that I’ve built mobile applications, there have been many different cross-platform or even “no-code” solutions to build mobile apps. React Native, Appcelerator Titanium, Adobe Cordova, Ionic, Xamarin come to mind. I have built production apps with the first two, so I have extensive experience with...

Lessons Learned from My Failed Startup

While there’s plenty of stories that go around about successes in a startup world, stories on failure are much harder to come by. This is understandable, as the good news is easier to share than to admit that we have failed. This is a story of “hINF”, short for “Health...

Finding best CI/CD for iOS Development

For the past couple of weeks I’ve been researching, setting up and comparing Continuous Integration systems for an Xcode iOS Development project.This article is about this journey and a subjective comparison between three major CI/CD solutions; Jenkins, CircleCI and Bitrise. What is Continuous Integration (CI) There are different types of...

I ♥ Animation

There is something magical about animating and making things move. When an object changes in time it feels like it’s almost alive. We don’t often notice, but animations are everywhere, from children's cartoons to our favourite computer software and mobile app. Animation can be fun, expressive way to tell a...

How to lead remotely

The whole world has suddenly come to a point where working remotely must become a standard way of doing business. This means a lot of you have been dropped to an unknown territory and have to navigate as a remote professional or a leader of a remote team. While I...

How much does mobile app development cost?

As an iOS app programmer I bump into this question from time to time. It’s understandable, as people are interested in money involved when they get the next million dollar idea in their head. Apps come in different shapes and sizes, so it’s actually a rather difficult question to answer....

How did I burn out and almost lost my mind

On the brink of insanity. No connection with people, extreme anxiety and panic attacks, vertigo, desperation, low self esteem and depression. That is how I felt when I went through burnout two years ago. I was in a deep hole. Until an unconventional illegal drug experience helped me turn my...

Working remotely and how to make it work

The president of my country tweeted about remote work today and as an off-site freelance iOS developer, that made me think of how does it work for me. The tweet was as follows: Work is not somewhere you go, it’s something you do. — Kersti Kaljulaid Though I do it for a...

How not to screw up app launch

Each app is different. So is it’s launch. App launch is such an important moment in app life cycle that it’s best if you go through all the checklists and notes you find from the web. I thought I’d share my insights and notes I’ve jotted down during my app...